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The Christin Morris Show

Tune in for simplified training on all things marketing, business, social media + entrepreneurship. Loads of value sprinkled with faith, humor and practical advice from one working momma to another. 

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I teach you how to use your story + your unique gifts to make a genuine impact on this world. Don't think you have what it takes? It's already inside you, my friend. 

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What does FEAR mean to you?

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Setting Intentions

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like, seriously

Let's work together, yeah yeah yeah!

What if you locked arms with me directly for coaching? I'll teach you the fundamentals of social media, networking and building a life you could dream of, on your terms.

let's do this

I mean, w're practically besties by now

Let me help you out.

Enough with the Spam already. How about I send something else a little more worth your while?

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