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HEY THERE, new friend.

I'm Christin — a lifestyle coach and creative who believes you've gotta build your dreams one step at a time.

I'm just a girl from the Middle of Nowhere, South Carolina. I always knew I had a big purpose for my life... but I didn't know how to find it.

Just a few years ago you could find me between the four walls of a cinderblock classroom-- either at the back table managing reading small groups, at the Smartboard guiding my students through stories from our country's rich history, or maybe on the carpet using manipulatives to help strengthen my kiddos' number sense.

Listen, education is in my blood and now my classroom expands even further. So here we are, crossing paths, and maybe, just maybe you get to be my student too!

With no training in business, I took a chance on going after what I loved, for real.

What started out as a journey to living healthier became so much more when I realized how much my greatest strength became my greatest weakness, causing burnout and misaligned priorities.

And now I'm here to help you do the same.

Never without

my chapstick, for real

favorite TRAVEL memory

summer camping with Nana

probably listening to

worship music or 00's country

cocktail order

Habanero Margarita 


big ole' yellow heart

A few things I beleive

Decide what's worth your energy + say no to everything else.

A few things I beleive

Whatever you face today, and everyday, God is with you.

let's do this thing

Did We Just Become Best Friends?

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