New Year Resolutions


New Year and a Focus on Better Mental Health

January 5, 2024

Hello, I'm christin
From a small town with big dreams. I wanted to be a writer, a photographer, a teacher, a leader, a chef, and so many more things growing up. I chose to be them all. 
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As we step into a brand-new year filled with possibilities, I’ve been thinking more about resolutions – or goals, whatever floats your boat. So I looked to see what the most popular resolution was last year, and guess what it was??

improvement in mental health

Did you know January is Mental Wellness Awareness Month? While we’re out here making plans for a better year and setting some intentions for the coming months, this is a great time to pay attention to an aspect of our well-being that often takes a backseat. 

Mental health is like a puzzle, with pieces that contribute to the overall picture, like genetics, life experiences, upbringing, and environment. These each influence how we think and respond to situations. But the most important thing to consider is how we feel about how each part of our lives is going and how we feel about the support we get from the people around us.

So here are some questions I need you to ask yourself–

How am I feeling today? Take a moment to check in. Are you feeling pumped, chill, or maybe a bit all over the place? Knowing where you’re at emotionally is the first step in taking care of your mental well-being.

What’s been worrying me lately? Pinpoint those worries creeping around in your mind. Giving a name to your concerns helps take away some of their power.

Am I providing my body with its basic needs? Mental health buddies up with physical well-being. So, make sure you’re feeding your body right, catching enough Z’s, and getting a bit of exercise. It’s like laying a solid foundation for a powerhouse mind.

What am I doing to bring myself joy? In the craziness of life, don’t forget the stuff that makes you smile. Whether it’s a hobby, getting your creative juices flowing, or a simple stroll outdoors – do more of what makes you happy.

Who do I have in my corner? Friends, fam, or your ride-or-die – the people around you matter. Surround yourself with folks who truly care about you. Keep the circle real, where talking about mental health is as cool as chatting about the weather.

Personally I’m working to improve in many areas of my life so I set my word for 2024 as STRONG. I want to get stronger this year in many areas, including my mental health. I stumbled across this website that has a ton of free resources for dealing with anxiety. FAQ’s, cutting edge treatments and other articles.

Some things I’ll be focusing on this year include incorporating more movement into my routine, aiming for my water goal every day, fueling my body with nutrient-dense (and less processed foods), drinking ketones 2x a day (I got slack with this believe it or not closer to the end of the year and I can tell) and fasting.

Now, spill the beans! What’s on your plate for this year? How are you making mental wellness a priority? Let’s swap stories and be each other’s hype crew.

Cheers to a year of leveling up, bouncing back, and rocking that mental wellness game.

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