
4-Week Meal Plan, Grocery Lists Included!

June 15, 2023

Hello, I'm christin
From a small town with big dreams. I wanted to be a writer, a photographer, a teacher, a leader, a chef, and so many more things growing up. I chose to be them all. 
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So when I first started my health journey, there was a lot of information for me to go through. And a lot for me to decide what could actually fit into my lifestyle. I know you know this, but being a working mom with children and a picky husband– that can sometimes make eating healthier a challenge.

I knew I had my work cut out for me. So I did a ton of research and recognized that it was probably going to be a slow process.

If I looked at it like a diet, I knew that I would quit. I had seen so many other people try to diet and only stick with it for a little while, and have success. But then once they quit things got much worse for them. Or they would do these crazy things like counting every bite they put in their mouth. And Lord knows I had no time in my day for exercise.

I was committed to learning how to make this easy and fit into my lifestyle so that I wouldn’t quit. And it’s interesting because the more I share with people the more I realize that there are so many other women who want to be healthy, but honestly feel like it would be impossible.

So, let’s keep this things simple. Does that work for you? I put together a simple 4-week meal plan, including a grocery list to get you started.

All I ask is that you don’t overthink this. It’s one step at a time. If tackling all three meals and snacks in one day at the beginning is overwhelming, then start with only one meal a day and making those changes so that they fit into your routine. Once you have that down, then move on to mastering another.

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