
Why I’m Not Lazy Keto Anymore

June 15, 2023

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So many people have asked me about why I’ve made the shift from lazy keto.

“If it worked for you, why did you quit?”

I’m definitely not a quitter, in case you’re wondering.

As you probably already know, I started keto a few years ago in order to drop some pounds. I supported that journey with exogenous ketones (which I still drink every single day bc dang they make me feel good!) and successfully lost 30lbs in 3 months and sustained that fat loss for well over 2 years.

But there was another goal I was trying to reach, aside from the fat loss and the energy I was feeling.

I still seemed to run into tummy troubles every now and again.

To make a long story short, I’ve struggled with gut health pretty much my entire life. TMI I’m sure but it started out in my adolescence as chronic constipation then awful bouts of bloating and diarrhea. As I moved into adulthood, nothing really changed, unless you also include the added stress of working full time and managing a household. I knew something wasn’t right. I even managed to go to a specialized doctor and he did all of these tests to try and determine my issues. We went so far as to me even getting a colonoscopy in my early twenties. And still, nothing.

At the start of my keto journey, I ran into the common issues many face when dealing with dietary shifts (including increasing the amounts of fats I was consuming) and so I added electrolytes and honestly, that seemed to help.

But even still. Things weren’t amazing. Of course, me being me, I decided to do a bit more digging. I purposely chose lazy keto as my lifestyle because it was doable. It was super easy to incorporate into my lifestyle, and I always recommend it to someone who is just getting started in their health journey because of the easy transition.

I never felt deprived of the foods I loved.

In my digging, though, I learned about the impact of processed foods on my health (hello hormones!) and decided it might be time to do some tweaking. I learned more and more about women’s health in particular.

And less processed foods made their way out my pantry. And whole foods took over.

Now, I’m not going to tell you I don’t indulge every now and again. I’m human, ok. And the girls still enjoy their usuals too.

Back in December, I took a trip with our company and toured the labs where our product is manufactured, and I discovered a new technology being shared with the world. A test that determines your body’s unique digestive needs. You can say I was blown away that something like this exists!

And I thought about it for a couple months before finally making the decision to give it a try for myself. In fact, Ronnie and I both did it.

They send you everything you need to get tested.

You essentially collect and submit a stool sample and they process it in their labs to determine what foods are best what foods are off-limits for your body’s unique needs.

My results were SHOCKING!

All the foods I had been eating that I thought were good for me, turned out to be detrimental my body’s unique digestive needs. And most of them were the green veggies! Of course Ronnie got his results back as well, and his needs in some ways were similar, but there were a lot of foods on his list he could have that I couldn’t.

Put it this way, you basically get a list of foods separated into four categories–

  • Superfood (use as main ingredients in your meals and rotate daily)
  • Enjoy (for a healthy gut)
  • Minimize (20% of daily intake)
  • Avoid (as strictly as you can)

You also receive an action plan as well as a super-detailed explanation as to why each food belongs in any of the categories for you. I probably nerded out on this information for hours upon hours after we got the results back.

So where are we now with this? We’re still processing, honestly. Understanding that there are a lot of factors that go into being healthy, not just weight, is a hard wiring that I know many of us struggle with. And I won’t lie to you and tell you I’m fully exempt from that.

It’s true. I’ve gained some weight because I’m consuming more carbs each day that I have in the last three years. But they are much healthier alternatives that are fueling my body in the proper way compared to before I started this whole health journey.

Now the trick is really determining how to put all this information together in a way that isn’t overwhelming and works for us. I still would like to incorporate lower carb into my lifestyle because I know it works for me, but I doubt I’ll ever be lazy keto again. One step at a time, is what I practice and preach. It’s not an overnight thing figuring this whole thing out. But I’m working on feeling my best every day.

Still drinking my ketones for all the benefits of ketosis I love from before– energy, mood, focus, fat loss, etc.

So now you’re probably thinking– man, I need to do this. I’m telling you, you won’t regret it. I know they say APPLIED knowledge is power. But if you don’t have the knowledge, how can you apply it?

How you incorporate this into your lifestyle is up to you. You know I’m an open book, and it’s likely I’ll be sharing more about this phase of my health journey. And educating you as much as I can.

I love you.

Want to try the Gut Health Test for yourself?

Go here.

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